I had one of those nostalgic moments today as I sat in my PJ's at 11 in the afternoon thinking about how time goes by so fast and there is no stopping it or slowing it down.
Ryan is walking! He's 14 months old and I'm so excited that my sweet little boy has decided that he wants to grow up and walk like his big brother does. I'm excited but I'm a litte depressed that he is no longer a baby. He is officially a toddler. A walking, talking, personality-filled, fun-lovin', cuddley toddler!
Ryan was a tough baby. He was colicky, loud, and hard to please; but find myself longing for those little newborn eyes and tiny hands and feet that have grown so much in the last year. He was, and is, my little Ryan and I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for the patience and love I learned from such a tiny person.
So, on to the next chapter of our lives. (No, we aren't going to have another baby yet, so don't ask).
I'm ready for my house be turned upside down and my cupboards completely emptied by those little hands. Crayon on the walls, missing remote controls, toys hiding in places I didn't think they would fit. . . Bring it on!
I'm going to continue to enjoy every day that I have with my precious boys.
I love you both so much Simon and Ryan. I feel blessed beyond words that God would send you to me.