Here's our hill in a downpour just minutes after we left it. Jeremiah has vowed that next time we are in RV he will finally make it to the top! I learned on this trip that I really don't like off-roading. I think too much about "what happens if we get stuck" or "what if we lose a tire" or "we don't have cell phone reception, how will I call for help". I know, it's dumb. I am just a big party pooper. Simon didn't mind the dirt road so much but he got MAD when Jeremiah got his window muddy! :)
We also drove out to Southfork. It was BEAUTIFUL out there! We stopped for our picnic but the rain was still coming down so we headed back to town to picnic at Ramsey Park.
The boys got to play in the wet sand, building sandcastles and having sand fights. It was little boy heaven. Simon even found time to stop and smell the roses.
We thoughly enjoyed ourselves over this weekend. Jeremiah even got started in a new business venture (I'll post about that later).